Monday, August 24, 2009

I would crack a joke about /v/, but

Gamers are old and depressed according to Reuters.

A recent survey of 552 respondents showed 45% of those surveyed play the vidya, 56% were male, "most" had a high BMI and were around 35 years old.

Most female gamers were described as "depressed" and in poorer health than non-gamers.

Clearly my personal sphere of gaming friends are not representative of everyone, but also bear in mind that 552 people is not really a significant portion of the population - let alone population of people playing video games. Also keep in mind these are just the people who took the time to respond to the survey. While I'm sure 35, fat and older than your stereotypical Bro who plays Madden and chugs PBR is not the farthest stretch for "average gamer" (then again, enough kids who would not be able to fill out the survey travel with DSes and PSPs [or play Halo rotf lol] would probably skew the ages quite a bit in favor of the younger crowd, if included), the data sample isn't representative enough to say 'this is a guy who plays games.'

Also Batman is being heralded as "Game of the Year." Which isn't saying much as it's in competition with inFamous and maybe BlazBlue.

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