Saturday, February 7, 2009

Brief Day 2 recap!

When I mentioned in my previous post that the show had sold out today, it was with good reason. Getting around was a chore as the floor was filled to capacity throughout the day.
The DC Universe Online demo was playable. It was noted during the day that one of the Speedster characters (any super-being with the power of super speed ala Flash or Quicksilver) started clipping through the floor of the world, causing him to run around upside down under the street of the city. I'm sure this isn't a common occurrence and, I mean, it's only a demo. Just something humorous of note.
The video game costumes were not common sites to the main show floor, which was confusing until I visited the third floor stage, where the "World's Largest Video Game Character Gathering" had been held and many remnants of the record-breaking attempt were still hanging out, listening to a nerd-comedian's set and taking pictures of one another (lucky me, I missed the main show, which reportedly gummed up any hope of entering or exiting the third floor).
Nothing new in addition to yesterday's video game spectacle, though I will upload more pictures and information from booths I was able to hit (unfortunately, no new hands-on demoing occurred).

Tomorrow is the last and final day. I'll try to get more hands-on demos to report back with along with pictures and information passed on from Day 2.

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