Thursday, May 21, 2009

Video Games out-entertaining Movies

A recent NPD group, a research firm, survey says video games have outstripped movies as a form of entertainment in the US.

63% of those surveyed had played a video game in the past 6 months, while only 53% had done the same with movies.

So what does this tell us? Well, these are just percentages and numbers based off of about 11,000 people. So. Maybe not much. Both the games industry and movie industry (arguably) are in slumps, with no "major titles" coming in the immediate future for any consoles, while it seems the summer's capping off this weekend with Terminator, while Wolverine received less than stellar reviews (and, let's not mix words, the movie was awful) and... not a whole lot else on the blockbuster front.

The video games industry is coming off from a boom, but sales are on the decline, the industry is firing a lot more than it's hiring and the aforementioned lack of new hot titles seem to be cooling down the industry. Maybe we'll see some heat come Christmas, but this summer is pretty arid on blockbusters for both entertainment industries.

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